About Me

Costa Mesa,, CA, United States
Pattern maker for the fiberglass/composite industries. Experienced in creating shapes from drawings, verbal descriptions, very vague sketches. Well versed in reading styles and feelings into creating shapes. I am very familiar with mold creation and repair. I have been doing this for 35 years. I also enjoy photography, web graphics, animation, and web development. In realizing my need to "move on" I hope to become proficient in these as I have "tooling." Click on any of the pictures to see them full size

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ho Hummers.......(a short one)

I decided this morning to try to get back to my ongoing quest to get an amazing sunny shot of one hummer in particular. I spent considerable time trying to do just that this morning. I did get this shot of one of his pals he was playing with.

I took this one (another buddy) at the feeder which is good shot but does not show off the amazing metallic colors the sun highlights so well. I have many feeder shots because that's the only place they aren't going lickety-split.

This is good, but you should see this guy out in the sun. He and his red-headed pal are quite a sight, but man..........are they quick !!! Some day, I'll get my picture of that red-headed one out in the sun hovering.

This shot from a very different angle show off how important the lighting is to capture the magnificent colors on these little guys.

1 comment:

George said...

Good job Ollie. I was visiting my brother and his wife yesterday and they, too, are "into" hummingbirds....feeders, etc.

Those little characters really are beautiful and interestingly rapid.