About Me

Costa Mesa,, CA, United States
Pattern maker for the fiberglass/composite industries. Experienced in creating shapes from drawings, verbal descriptions, very vague sketches. Well versed in reading styles and feelings into creating shapes. I am very familiar with mold creation and repair. I have been doing this for 35 years. I also enjoy photography, web graphics, animation, and web development. In realizing my need to "move on" I hope to become proficient in these as I have "tooling." Click on any of the pictures to see them full size

Friday, October 5, 2007

Great day for a bath !!!

The day started out like any other. Everybody's sitting around shooting the bull. One guy has to be above the rest (there's one in every crowd).

These two guys are looking at that water mighty hard. I can just hear one saying to the other, "That water sure looks inviting !!!"

Sure enough, one has to go in and flap around and have a swell time. Then he climbs out, looks around and sees the perfect spot to dry off.

"Oh man, this is perfect, in the sun with a nice little breeze filtering through the branches of this bush. This is great !!!"

Of course, when the rest of the crowd saw this, it was a free for all. One after another after another. A great time was had by all.

I wonder if some of them weren't thinking that if they got themselves all slicked up real swell, if they couldn't fly like the big guys they see go overhead all the time.

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